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These are just a gathering of other miscellaneous memories from the FLive Festival which didn't really go with anything else but were too small to go out on their own.
A Patchwork of Words in Enniskillen Presbyterian Hall.A Patchwork of Words in Enniskillen Presbyterian Hall.A Patchwork of Words in Enniskillen Presbyterian Hall.A Patchwork of Words in Enniskillen Presbyterian Hall.A Patchwork of Words in Enniskillen Presbyterian Hall.A Patchwork of Words in Enniskillen Presbyterian Hall.A Patchwork of Words in Enniskillen Presbyterian Hall.A Patchwork of Words in Enniskillen Presbyterian Hall.A Patchwork of Words in Enniskillen Presbyterian Hall.A Patchwork of Words in Enniskillen Presbyterian Hall.Cinemagic Workshop in Clinton Centre.  131006  1Cinemagic Workshop in Clinton Centre.  131006  2Cinemagic Workshop in Clinton Centre.  131006  3