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With various music going on throughout the Fermanagh Live/Flive Festival these are merely snippets of the Musical talent on offer.
Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.Bob Quick and the Big Brass Band in The Ardhowen Theatre.